Sunday, May 6, 2012

Quick Trip

I took a quick little camping trip this weekend. Headed north on Saturday despite a dismal forecast, went up Lake County 2 to the Isabella area. The first spot I stopped was Isabella Lake. This area had been burned by the Pagami Creek Fire last fall. The Isabella entry point is at the site of a logging camp village called Forest Center. When the roadless act was passed (pre-cursor to the BWCAW), the logging stopped and the entire town was moved. Wandering around the site I discovered the fire had exposed the old landscape. Road beds, home sites, and the old railroad were easy to spot. The railroad bed was the most interesting, the fire had actually burned the railroad ties out of it, leaving a ladder pattern of trenches. After checking that out, I headed over to the Island River and paddled upstream for quite a distance, leaving the burn area. I tried to find some crappies, but had no bites. When I drifted back downstream, the sun came out and it was a beautiful afternoon. I came around the last bend coming into a wide shallow area of the river, and spotted a cow moose making her way across. She quickly turned tail and headed back into the woods. I wrapped up the fishing effort and packed it in, heading over to a nearby "secret" drive to campsite. I set up a tidy camp, started fire to ward off the cool, cloudy night, and made some supper. The Twins were disappointing to listen to again. On Sunday morning I woke to clouds and rain and decided to head home, it was an uneventful drive.

Nature Moment: I saw many grouse this weekend, more than I have seen in years. It should make for some good hunting this fall after the broods grow up.