The View from a Tow Boat
After camp was set up, we headed out trolling spoons for lake trout. It took a little bit of time, but we some bites and brought a nice fish back to camp with us to serve as an appetizer for our bratwurst supper. I had snuck in a growler of Starfire from the Fitger's Brewhouse to augment the meal. Sleep came easily after an early morning and a long day.
Landing a Lake Trout
On Friday we had a leisurely morning on a cloudy, but not rainy, day. We tried some shore fishing while eating breakfast, but had no bites. We packed a day pack and headed up the lake, trolling as we went. We didn't have any bites before we pulled up to a steep, little used portage. The Brewer threaded the canoe through tight turns to the next lake. We found a small lake with steep cliffs. We had trolled our spinners only a few yards when I caught the first lake trout, smallish, but with big shoulders. It became the theme of the day, as we caught many nice lakers on a variety of lures, a real fun day. We checked out the two campsites on the lake and neither were real good, but would do for a couple nights and a small party. After a while, we portaged back to our camp lake, where we picked up another nice laker on the way back to camp. The sun was starting to think about coming out. We had one of my favorite suppers - Thai curry with lake trout over rice. Much of the meal was made with my own dehydrated ingredients - green peppers, sundried tomatoes, basil. It was very good as usual.
Saturday dawned with sunshine and a south breeze. We lingered around the coffee pot, enjoying the rays. We decided to hit the area around camp hard to see if the trout were there. One was. Just one. We tried all kinds of lures, depths, and structure. Only the one fish. The wind didn't help, making trolling a chore at times. Such is fishing, these days keep you humble. We took a mid day break and had a shorelunch of trout caught the day before. We also hiked a portage trail to another lake - it was one of the steepest, slipperiest portages I have ever been on. Glad I didn't have a pack or canoe. We had a great supper of bowties in pesto sauce with Northern Waters Smokehaus salamini. We enjoyed a great fire and watched the nearly full moon rise over the lake.
The View From Under the Tarp
Nature Moment: We enjoyed a lot of bird life on this trip and particularly enjoyed those that we get to see from Hawk's Ridge in Duluth. All fall, raptors migrate south from northern Minnesota and Canada until they hit Lake Superior. They don't want to cross the big water, so they funnel down the North Shore, wear they are observed and counted in an ongoing scientific analysis on Hawk's Ridge. We were seeing the same species crossing the BWCA on our trip. Eagles, osprey, vultures, and, in particularly high numbers, sharp shinned hawks.
Hubs Flub: We had to set up a time for the Tow Boat to come pick us up on the last day. 2pm, we said. As the Tow Boat pulled away and we loaded the canoe at the start of our paddle, I realized that we had no watch, phone, or other means of telling time. Arriving back to the tow boat at 2pm might be a general goal... Luckily, I discovered our emergency texting device did give a time on it, although we learned it was on Central Standard Time, one hour off.
Quote of the Trip: "Got one." This quote was repeated several times on Friday as we set the hook on another laker. It was a fast fishing day.
What Broke: It might be too early to tell, but my favorite canoeing depthfinder might be on its last legs. It went blank for no reason at one point and at other times it read wildly changing depths, alternating between 5 and 105 feet, neither which of was correct. I had to unplug and replug the transducer into the unit to get it to work. Not sure why it isn't working right, the depthfinder is only 30 years old or so.