Monday, December 21, 2009

The Sportsbar Has Landed!

It was an exciting day on Saturday as the Sportsbar was deployed. The process was pretty smooth, thanks to all the help we had. In fact we didn't even use a snowmachine or ATV this year, we just used people power and pulled and pushed it about a mile onto the lake. It is all set up on the tip of the point as usual. There is about a foot of ice and very little snow on the lake.

The Sportsbar is our wooden ice fishing house. It is about six feet by eight feet. It fishes four comfortably and has hosted parties of up to eight. Putting on the ice and fishing in it that first day is always an event that reminds you another year has past and that life is good.

Unfortunately, fishing continues to be slow. We had only one bite on Saturday-a northern pike that bit through the line. On Sunday we hooked four pike, landing three small ones and losing one at the hole. The water seems to be clearing a bit (it was very murky the previous weekend), so maybe fishing will improve. There were a ton of people out on the lake both Saturday and Sunday. All that activity can't help the fishing too much.

I won't be fishing again until after Christmas, so I'll take this time to wish everyone Happy Holidays.

The Arrowhead Angler

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