Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 4th Fun

We took a family camping trip over the 4th this year. On Sunday morning (the 3rd) My Wonderful Bride, Super Kid, and I left Duluth and headed up the shore. We turned inland at Grand Marais and headed up the Gunflint Trail. After lunch at trail center, we continued on to our chosen campground. We had reserved a very nice site with big pines and a lake view. Super Kid was very excited and helped set up the tents and the rest of camp. It was a warm, sunny day and the Bride took a nap while Super Kid and I played cards and listened to the ball game. We had a great supper of chicken and red beans and rice. I did some shore fishing that night and caught one walleye with the lighted bobbber. Mosquitoes were out in force.

On Monday the 4th, we had a lazy morning with big breakfast and then we took off on canoe ride. We spotted a mama bear and cub in a nearby tree, just hanging out. We didn't get any fish and it was getting muggy, so we drove to a nearby lake to enjoy it's sandy beach. After lunch My Bride and Super Kid took a nap. We dodged rain showers and took a walk to see a small waterfall that afternoon. We took another swim as well. The muggy day gave way to severe thunderstorms that night, right after bed time. I had to wake My Bride and Super Kid up to evacuate camp when one of the storms hit (the big pines made me nervous regarding lightening and strong winds). After it calmed we were able to get back to sleep.

On Tuesday we drove down the road to a river area to check for moose, but didn't spot any. We then checked out a new museum that featured the history and nature of the Gunflint Trail. It was nice and kid friendly. We took a walk on their boardwalk and watched a loon on her nest. After lunch we all took naps. I did a little fishing that afternoon and we did some swimming and went to a nearby outfitters for ice cream. It was a quiet evening.

On Wednesday we packed up and hit the road back to Grand Marais, where we had lunch. It was an uneventful ride home.

Nature Moment: A pair of merlins (small hawk/falcons) were nested in a pine tree right new our campsite. They were interesting to observe. We saw mid-air handoffs of food (mice and songbirds) and we laughed at their protectiveness of the nest. They would attack anything that wandered into their area. We saw them hit eagles, vultures, ducks, and sea gulls.

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