Thursday, January 12, 2012

Winter? Fun

Like most places, the Duluth area has been much warmer than normal this winter. The ice fishing is generally still quite safe though. We did have an emergency meeting of the Sportsbar Association on Friday afternoon. We moved the Sportsbar out of the bermed area it was in, as the berm was filling up with water. It didn't take too much work to move the house to a better spot. I went back to the SB on Saturday and caught a bunch of little perch, wish a few decent ones mixed in, in the morning before I was joined by a neighbor. A bit later Chief MLB came out and we watched playoff football while fishing. We caught a few more nice perch, a few pike, a walleye, and two really nice crappies. Lots of fun. I stayed for the late game as well and again spent the night in the SB, catching 3 pike overnight, then getting 2 big perch and a decent pike the next morning before heading home. Another nice weekend to be living in the Northland!

This weekend brings the winter trout opener for Minnesota. My favorite time of year is starting! I'll be up on the Gunflint Trail chasing the finest fish that swims: Salvelinus namaycush (lake trout). As Chief's Finnish Uncle Norman would say: "Is der any udder fish?" Of course, cold weather has arrived just in time for this winter camping trip...lows will be below zero. We wouldn't have it any other way. I'll report when I get back.

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