Front Door Lake Trout
I am sorry for the huge delay in my blog entries. Work is swamping me right now. Following the fun fishing of the January trip, it became extremely cold and snowed a ton. Most lakes were covered in slush (watery layer of snow on top of ice) that made travel, even by snowmachine, impossible. I did a day trip to a small stream trout lake one day and set up in the deep, messy slush and actually caught some nice rainbows and splake. I went winter camping once in February with my neighbor, but only fished about 8 hours or so in three days due to the weather. We caught a few lake trout, but nothing special. It was minus 15 F and windy the first night and it was -29 F the second night in the tent. Burned a lot of wood.
The continued snow and cold forced us to cancel another big Canadian trip at the beginning of March. The good news was that Lake Superior froze up pretty good by then, and so I was able to fish just minutes from my front door four times. And caught zero fish. Buddies around me got some trout, eelpout, and herring, but nada for me. Finally, later in the month, I went with my neighbor to a Lake Superior spot in Wisconsin and did well, getting some nice trout in the 30" range.
So, all winter I only went camping once, way down from normal. We did one more trip at the end of March into April, but that one warrants its own blog entry.
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