Monday, July 2, 2012

Family Fun

We had a good family camping trip last weekend. We went with a neighbor family whose daughter is a buddy of Super Kid. We got packed up Friday morning and then cruised up the North Shore for a bit before going inland to a Forest Service campground. It was a nice, breezy day as we got camp set up and unloaded the canoes. We grilled brats and hot dogs over the fire for supper. After we ate, the other Dad and their 7-year old daughter joined me for a little fishing. The kid was really into it and talked a good fishing game. We ended up getting 4 walleyes and 1 smallmouth bass. They weren’t big, but she was excited to catch her first walleyes.

On Saturday, it was another beautiful day. After breakfast, I took Super Kid, the other Dad, and the 7 year old out for a canoe ride…we caught nothing. After listening to the Twins and get some rest, we all went swimming and shorefishing. We caught one decent smallie and the kids enjoyed the water. It was pesto pasta for supper and then we had a campfire and s’mores.

Sunday morning we went ahead and packed up after eating pancakes. It was an uneventful drive home on a warm and sticky day.

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